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Suggestions invited for Pandhurna Vision Document | The Madhya Pradesh government has decided to ensure public participation in the development of the Madhya Pradesh @2047 Vision Document through a public dialogue program. The purpose of the vision document is to identify the specific needs and opportunities of the district and set priorities. This initiative also aims to strengthen coordination between the state and district administration and incorporate feedback collected at the district level into the state’s plans. Collector Ajay Dev Sharma stated that suggestions are being invited from all citizens of the district to prepare the Pandhurna Vision Document, so that their aspirations, thoughts, and priorities can be included in the development plans. Citizens can send their suggestions to the Collector’s email,, or WhatsApp number 9826628609 by January 7, 2025, at 5 pm. The suggestions should focus on the district’s primary needs, such as economic development, employment, women’s empowerment, farmer welfare, youth power, tribal development, and district priorities. Citizens who provide better suggestions will be invited for detailed discussions |
05/01/2025 | 07/01/2025 | View (69 KB) |